
how beautiful the rain is, how wonderful the creator is


when i'm down

now,,i'm confusing about who i am, what i've done, what wiil i do..

it feels like i'm just rejected by someone.may be right,,i'm just rejected, not only by one person,,but many person,,

but actually,it is my fault,not other.
i didn't do my best,i wasted my time for useless thing.

i doubt about the way that i've been chosen. but i couldn't back.
now, iwill enjoy it, try to do the best that i can.

by rights, i just wanna search knowlegde and try to aplicate it. so, it can be usefull for others and me,

and about my scoliosis,,i wanna share with other scolioser and everyone, so they don't repeat the same mystakes that i've done.

just for one reason,one aim,,
for YOU.

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